
Taking Self-Care Seriously

Continue to be there for the ones you love, by making sure to take care of yourself too.

A caregiver to someone dying who needs support - holistic wellness for caregivers

You may be finding yourself on the edge of burnout.

We understand that your life has been turned upside down. You are probably feeling overwhelmed and neglected along with many other feelings that there seems to be no time for. At Norup Care we take self-care seriously and just like the flight attendants we ask that you “put your oxygen mask on first before you help anyone else with theirs.”


Our experts are here to help you tend to your needs first, so you can continue to be there for the ones you love.

Grief Counseling

You may be wondering if your grief is unusual or unhealthy. We provide support for processing grief and developing resiliency.

Care Circle Support

When families are in crisis it can feel like there are too many opinions and feelings to make sense of what needs to happen next. Learn how to hold a family council to improve communication, connectedness, and relationships. With our support caring for a dying loved one can become an experience that builds and strengthens relationships.


“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”

- Maya Angelou

You are not alone

We believe that no one should have to face their journey alone. From one-time counseling sessions to custom packages, we’re here to help.

Newsletter for Caregivers

A monthly newsletter with helpful resources and holistic tools to help you on your journey.